Thursday, May 12, 2022

Tampering Of Medical Records

On May 16 my wife called to request for "treatment request letter to kyudai" and medical records, and collected on May 17.

page 1 - it looks like 2 to 3 characters were erased and replaced by a single character "bone" in the middle. note the space before and after "bone", so as to suggest that they hd the idea of having not enough bone.  This contradicts with what ikeda told hiromi that bone was enough. (refer to voice recording)

page x - about K7 written on the top margin suggesting that the information was appended. it suggested that the clinic recommended use of K7, and thus had the diagnosis.  the reality was that it was hiromi who initiated the use of K7 and ikeda said not really necessary and use of it would cost her extra money. then on the following visit hiromi decided to go ahead with k7, and on seeing the result, ikeda said that was as he had expected.

page y - about hiromi's call to complain for 1.5 hour.  voice recording: terumi was using much of the time to lecture hiromi, suggesting she had twisted psychology, and to repond to hiromi's post-treatment symptoms, ikeda claimed treatment is done properly, and he has no clue why there were still symptoms, and that must be non-dental, and he had no plan to look into it.

My wife's condition since 2022-05-08

2022-05-20 - consulted with previous dentist X. seek opinion on ikeda's aftermath - UL2 implant very bad result. require removal of impl...