Sunday, May 15, 2022

About This Blog

I can never imagine, dental practice in Fukuoka, Japan can be like this. Chilling, deceitful, distressing, and irresponsible. Sounds like a "grab-and-run" kind of operation.  It's sad and infuriating.

Here, I refer to the Ikeda Shika Ohori Dental Clinic. (,

I am a Hong Kong Chinese, and have been traveling between Hong Kong and Fukuoka, because my wife is a returning Japanese national currently residing in Fukuoka.  Since the corona pandemic, foreigners like me have been unable to travel to Fukuoka.  She first visited Ikeda Shika Ohori Dental Clinic in May 2021 to find out if the clinic could perform occlusion treatment for her and also if a dental implant could be performed on one of her teeth.  Ikeda Shika Ohori Dental Clinic gave her all the positive answers and promises. Hence ??% upfront prepayment made as requested, and the treatment commenced on May XX, 2021, until May 6, 2022.

The treatment turned out to be a disaster.  I would sum up a few shocking incidents:

1. Ikeda Shika told my wife she had enough bone for implant. The result, almost half of the implant is piercing out the bone.....elaborate

2. Pain persisted for months after implant, but Ikeda Shika repeatedly disregarded her complaints of pain....elaborate

3. Ikeda Shika explained to my wife as to why he chose not to tell her before operation that he planned to have the implant piercing outside of the bone: "I don't want to freak you out"!....elaborate


In the morning of May 8, 2022, my wife made a phone call to the Ikeda Shika Ohori Dental Clinic, intending to make an appointment for adjustment of an unfitted mouth piece. However the phone call developed into a lecture by Terumi Ikeda telling my wife that the 

My wife is devastated by the treatment and dealing by Ikeda Shika Ohori Dental Clinic. all new symptoms of pain at various parts, gravely impairing sleeping quality, plus the compounded impact on emotion. thus seriously affecting everyday life.  Seeing my wife like this, its heartbreaking.

In Japan, seems there is no recourse. unlike in most other countries, dentist association in Fukuoka would not act on bad dentist.  The legal system is making it extremely difficult for dental service victims to file their grievances and seek justice. (link to separate page...In most civilized societies in the world, dentist association will take up the duty to ensure member dentists carry out their services professionally and assume a moral standard commensurable to their profession. and dentist association in Japan, except ...)

It is under such pretext, I decided to tell this to the public, hoping that this can serve a helpful alert for people here in Japan, so that they will not fall victim again. Hoping this can serve as a wake-up call, that Japanese patients should stand up to defend their rights. a wake-up call to the dentist community..., a wake-up call to japanese law-makers stop pampering the dentist sector.

My wife, like many many everyday Japanese, are peace-seekers, This philosophy helps the Japanese society operates in great harmony.  But quite often Japanese people's obsession to make peace and try hard to forget, thinking forgetting can help them move on. But this pampering, peace-seeking attitude

My wife's condition since 2022-05-08

2022-05-20 - consulted with previous dentist X. seek opinion on ikeda's aftermath - UL2 implant very bad result. require removal of impl...